Radio Cineola is an ongoing series of shortwave broadcasts from around the world featuring Matt Johnson and guests, previewing upcoming THE THE releases, works in progress, freshly unearthed (and previously unheard) material from the Lazarus vaults, plus chats with collaborators, past, present and future.
Something of a cross between an EP and a jamboree bag each uniquely flavoured 15 minute show available for purchase as a high quality (320k) MP3.
- Life of Lies (from Bilder Av Dina)
- Driving Through (from the original soundtrack to Moonbug)
- The Arrest (from Bilda Av Dina)
- Leaving Earth (from the original soundtrack to Moonbug)
- Verse 44 (The Inertia Variations)
- Spirals (from Electronium)
- Big Bad Boomby (Matthew & Son)
- Armageddon Days (from the vaults)